Friday, July 24, 2009

Alaska, Europe and some time off...

Ultimate Alaska continues to be the primary focus. We probably won't have any real breaking news on this product, until the screen shots start appearing (6 to 8 weeks ???).

The UTX Europe patch has just been completed and tested. However, since I am leaving on summer holiday and will be unavailable until August 2, we will hold off on releasing the patch until my return.

Nothing more to report for now. But, I just wanted to check in for anybody following the blog.

See you in a few weeks....


  1. Great news. I have GEX too so looking forward to how the two work together.

  2. Good news...Is there going to be a South America version of UTX?

  3. After just cruising the Inside Passage and taking a trip on a float plane and landing in Misty Fjords cant wait.

  4. At this time, we have no plans on a South America version of UTX. The commercial data for this region is a little spotty right now. However, that could change as TeleAtlas is improving their global data coverage every quarter.

  5. Really looking forward to Alaska. After having been to several Alaskan towns I can only say, Uh? Don't even recoqnize Ketchican, Juneau, Skagway, etc.
    I am running FSX9, GEX U/C/A & UTX Canada & USA
